American politics today

If I were a political cartoonist, I’d draw President Bush giving a rousing speech to the country in which he says, “We must fight this war in Iraq because 2 times 6 divided by 3 minus 1 equals 7. And we are winning this war because the square root of 5 plus 6 equals 12.” In the next panel of the cartoon, a crowd of Democrats shout, “A majority of the American people oppose the war, Mr. President. What is your exit strategy?” In the next panel, the Republicans cry back, “The president has done it again. What a great speech—Lincoln and Churchill and John F. Kennedy and Reagan all rolled into one. We must ignore these leftist naysayers, stay the course, and complete the mission.” And in the last panel, about five people gather before a blackboard, ignored by everyone else, looking in puzzlement and consternation at the president’s math.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 29, 2005 04:46 PM | Send

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