Rush Limbaugh and the immigration issue

A correspondent writes:

I heard Rush say a couple of days ago that he always gets asked what he would do if he were president or what he would do if he could get his way, something like that, and he mentioned three things, one of them was to close the borders. He said, if you don’t have borders you don’t have a country.

Pathetic. Then where has he been on this issue since 1988, when his national radio program began? Through the entire 17 years of that program immigration has been barely mentioned on it. Worse, during most of the 1990s, immigration was, literally, never mentioned on the show. And I mean literally. It was unreal. You assumed either that Rush had a screener who systematically rejected every single caller who wanted to discuss immigration, or that callers finally got the message that immigration was a forbidden topic on the program and gave up even trying to talk about it. And now Limbaugh has the chutzpah to claim that closing the borders is one of his top priorities? How can anyone take the man seriously, if he first doesn’t acknowledge and apologize for his total shutting down of the immigration issue for an entire decade on the most influential conservative radio program in the country?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 29, 2005 01:10 PM | Send

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