Rush loves Bush more than he loves truth

After seeing the recent discussion here about President Bush’s Gerechtoid strategy of legitimizing Hezbolloh and Hamas, a reader sent me this:

A little while ago, while driving to lunch, I turned on Rush Limbaugh. Surprisingly, he said something perceptive. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t follow up on it.

“Before 9-11,” Rush said, “We didn’t hear about the Koran from anybody but Calypso Louie. Now, after followers of the Koran kill 3000 Americans, we have to bend over and grab our ankles so as not to offend these people.” As always, Rush didn’t mention that His Conservative President is one of the leading ankle grabbers.

I wrote back:

Thanks for that Rush quote. How anyone can stand to see part of the truth, and then blatantly ignore the rest of the truth, even though it’s right there in front of his face, because of some need to remain loyal to some politician, I will never understand. It seems to me that the natural human desire to see and speak the truth (a desire shown in Rush’s initial comment) would make a person want to see and express the whole truth. But most people aren’t constructed that way. In all cultures, as Nietzsche said, membership in a team trumps the love of truth.

By the way, how is Rush ‘splainin’ to his fans Bush’s opening to Hamas?

The reader replied:

When I drove home from lunch, I turned on Rush again. He was railing against McCain. McCain is now Rush’s favorite target. He also attacks Lindsey Graham and other liberal GOP types. The fact is, Rush NEVER criticizes Bush for his many liberal stances, except saying “I don’t understand it.” GWB isn’t much less liberal than McCain and company, of course. I don’t believe Rush even mentions Bush’s opening to Hamas. That’s basically how Rush handles GWB’s liberalism. He just pretends it isn’t happening.

When I showed my e-mail above to another correspondent, she wrote back:

To be honest, has Bush been making a lot of conciliatory statements toward Koran and Koran abuse lately? I can’t think of anything that I would call grabbing the ankles. Even from the past. He took a conciliatory line after 911, but most people felt that was understandable.

My reply:

Here are some examples of ankle-grabbing:

- Verifying the Palestinian Authority as ok and as moving toward democracy and as deserving of its own state and as worthy of millions more in U.S. aid, even as the PA continues all its incitements to murder Jews and destroy America;

- Saying that we can work with Hezbollah in Lebanon and with Hamas in the Palestinian territories;

- Receiving at his ranch the leader of Saudi Arabia even as that country continues to fund anti-American jihadist literature at Wahhabi mosques across America;

- Continuing the random screening at airports which treats all American as equally dangerous as Moslems and turns us into a nation of sheep.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 25, 2005 09:00 AM | Send

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