Islamism: the ultimate ploy of Islam?

As a frequent VFR contributor suggests below, “Islamism” is not just a modern ideological outgrowth of Islam, it is a new type of Islamic deceit, a false front constructed or adopted by Moslems (who are unintentionally aided in this project, I would add, by Islam’s Western apologists) to disarm the West:

I wonder if the citizens of Tours in 732 AD or of Vienna in 1529 and then again in 1683 or the Christian sailors engaged in the great naval battle of Lepanto in 1571, which marked the decline of the Ottoman Empire, ever stopped to think that the armies or naval forces amassed against them on the field of battle or on the sea, were “Islamists.”

The obvious answer is that they were Moslems and their presence in any of the many Islamic invasions launched during the Middle Ages against Europe required the resources of the Islamic state and Moslem citizenry to support.

Has anyone ever asked if Moslems within the Ottoman Empire ever thought twice about the sultan’s reasons for invading the Christian lands to the West? No. They, the Turkish people, were quite convinced the Qur’an answered that question for them.

The Christian defenders of Europe, who did battle with the heathens, were not saddled with confusing semantics. The enemy was known by his actions. The enemy’s ideology was conquest, conversion and expansion, devouring all traces of non-Moslem culture along the way.

To a simple medieval Christian, or to the great Charles Martel, Islamism and Islam would be synonymous. What the Moslems want us to believe is that “Islamism” is an aberration. It is the phantom shadow they want us to chase while all the while they amass their forces under our very noses in the form of letting Turkey into the EU or allowing the construction of mosques and “cultural centers” across Europe.

Mohammad said, “War is deceit,” but even he would have had a hard time believing that Islam’s defeats could be so easily reversed by changing tactics and hiring a public relations firm to paint a bloody religion as a religion of peace.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 22, 2005 12:36 PM | Send

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