Still crazy after 1,400 years

Silly me. With so much to know about in the world, I didn’t know that there are Moslems in Thailand, but there are, and some of them are busy (guess what?) capturing and beheading innocent Buddhists. The Koranic command to “strike off the heads of unbelievers, wherever you find them,” remains potent and effective in the souls of Moslem believers 1,400 years after Muhammad wrote it down. So let’s get serious. Not just the Western world, but the whole non-Moslem world must form a working alliance (not a civilizational or spiritual alliance, I’m not talking globaloney), renounce forever the easy temptation of an accommodating attitude toward Islam, and then work in tandem to drive back, weaken, and contain Islam so that it cannot physically threaten non-Moslems. We could call this ad hoc coalition of non-Moslem nations the United Infidels. Or maybe Dhimmis Anonymous.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 20, 2005 01:16 AM | Send

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