“All we are saying, is give Hamas a chance.”

When liberals/leftists/”conservatives” are set on a self-destructive course of appeasement to evil, a course from which only actual disasters will (maybe, and only temporarily) awaken them, what, finally, can you do but sit back and watch, or, rather, avert your gaze from that which is unbearable to watch? Here, at FrontPage Magazine, is David Hornik on what’s happening in the fantasy land known as Israel:

Israel is now in its familiar waiting-for-someone-to-be-killed mode. Although security chiefs disagree about the implications of the upcoming disengagement and about overall strategy, no one disputes that during the present “lull” Hamas is reconstituting itself as an army of thousands, great quantities of weapons keep being smuggled into both Gaza and the West Bank, and Palestinian incitement and genocide-education continue unchecked.

… As during certain relative “lulls” in the 2000-2004 terror war, the approach seems to be to allow the terror forces to prepare for the next round as long as no large, bloody attacks occur. In the current version of the script, the diplomatic imperative of “giving Abu Mazen a chance” prevails over all other considerations …

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2005 11:09 AM | Send

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