Dean’s theme is the same as Krushchev’s: We will bury you

A reader from Knoxville contemplates the open hatred against half the country now formally espoused by the Democratic party, and sadly concludes that America has become two nations:

I’ve been following Howard Dean’s remarks concerning conservatives. And if one accepts liberal principles and precepts, then Dean is absolutely correct in his remarks. He is being logical and consistent given his liberal framework and presuppositions.

Personally I am a conservative and I think that liberals are destroying America. This follows from my framework and presuppositions. Since I believe that liberals have and will destroy the U.S., I also have come to accept that they are un-American. To seek to destroy America, whether consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously, is to be un-American.

The problem as I see it is that we have become two nations within one country. There is no compromise or middle ground any longer because each side believes the other to be destructive.

At some point we have to call it as it is. Liberals are un-American and they are destroying our country. Time to call liberals and Democrats exactly that—anti-American!

The time for diplomatic niceties and political discretion is over. We have in this country reached an extreme apex, a line drawn, from which there is no retreat. The “other” is plain and simply an enemy. How does a Howard Dean differ from a Nikita Krushchev when the consequences of both would have been identical—the destruction of American society one way or another!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2005 12:47 AM | Send

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