How conservatism legitimizes itself in liberal society

Tolerance, non-discrimination, is not only the ruling idea of modern liberalism but of modern conservatism as well. It is the sine qua non of political legitimacy, the mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16-17) that we must wear on our foreheads in order to participate in today’s Western society. The need to prove our tolerance has gone so far that Alan Duncan, the first openly homosexual man to seek the leadership of Britain’s Conservative Party, has taken the novel tack of proposing himself as such a mark. He said that the party (as The Telegraph characterized his views) “would benefit from having an openly gay leader because that would be a visible demonstration that it had become more tolerant.”

“If it were me [sic] [who became leader], everyone would know the party had changed and I don’t think anyone would have an excuse to vote Liberal Democrat,” Duncan said.

For further evidence of how “conservatives” have turned tolerance into the ruling principle of the good, see my article on Victor Hanson’s demand for a “free and tolerant mankind,” to be brought about by U.S. military force.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 10, 2005 09:56 AM | Send

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