Female hit man cum “Intelligence Report” researcher for the SPLC

Heidi Beria, excuse me, Heidi Beirich, the little Stalinoid apparatchik from the Southern Poverty Law Center (I picture her being about 26 years old) who wrote me a bizarre e-mail last August trying to smoke me out or intimidate me or something (I told her to take a leap), successfully caused another person on the right this past January to lose his job in a single day—Kevin Lamb, former managing editor of Human Events, whose firing she triggered when she told his superiors that he also edited The Occidental Quarterly, a race-conscious, right-wing journal, a fact he had apparently not told his employers but had not hidden either. Lamb tells the harrowing story on the main page of the Middle American News. Beirich is a busy little Beria, I mean bee, as can be seen from searching her name at Google. I note that immigration reformer John Tanton in 2002 replied very sternly to a lengthy, intrusive interrogatory by her. Also, just sent to me by a reader, here is an article on the SPLC from 2003 which describes Beria’s, sorry, Beirich’s methods as “bizarre,” the very word I used about her above.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 09, 2005 08:06 AM | Send

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