Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as anti-Semitism

Is it an exaggeration to say that some people see the Jews as the source of all the evils in the world? A few months back, a friend sent me this e-mail he had received:

You mention the Arabs nearly conquered our people three times…. I want them defeating the same Jewish people, who worked in alliance with the Moors to seize Spain from my people, the Goths and Visigoth descended Christian folk. The Inquisition was a result of the Reconquista of Spain from Jews and Moslem/Moors…. Yes, this is a ZOG country.

I would give all Palestinians the right to immigrate with the same immigration package that our so-called government gave to Soviet Jewry. Furthermore , I would be in favor of resettling Palestinians into Jewish neighborhoods and bussing the children of Arabry into majority Jewish public schools to overcome the effects of Jewish Supremacism and Zionism. I also would support the integration of The Hollywood Club from the top down, a kind of affirmative action for Goys, Arabs, blacks, browns, and reds. This might involve some suffering in the Jewish power elite, but think how much better it would be for people like me…. My emphasis besides exposing Jewish hatred and self-loathing EA’s is to empower and advocate for my specific group independent of the so-called Jewish controlled USA society. I am always looking for righteous Jews, who will help to turn over their assets like we turned over ours to them, but I have no takers. It is important not to blame the victim, World Eury, for resisting Jewish Supremacism and Zionism, but to criticize the oppressor mentality of Judaica. Remember, the Jewish people were the swing vote in enacting oppressive civil rights/dispensationalist laws for themselves and for every other group, but mine.

I replied:

This e-mail may be the purest example I’ve yet seen of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” He sees the Jews as the absolute enemy, so therefore he advocates bringing millions of crazed Palestinians into America, just to get back at the Jews. The well-being of the U.S. is forgotten. Getting back at the Jews is all. Now, I would suggest that this syndrome, of favoring Arabs because they’re the enemies of the Jews—while expressed in an extreme, pathological form by this guy—is also clearly operating in less extreme form in Buchanan & Company.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 01, 2005 07:33 PM | Send

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