The character of McCain

John McCain has been deservedly condemned by conservatives over the past few days for undercutting the Republicans’ effort to stop the Democrats’ outrageous abuse of the filibuster. McCain’s traitorous, self-serving behavior is no surprise to anyone who has watched this egotistical demagogue over the years (whose 2000 candidacy for president, let us not forget, was passionately supported by key neoconservatives such as William Kristol). In 2000, on the eve of Super Tuesday, I anatomized the Arizona senator in an article for NewsMax called “McCain: A Dangerous Man Reflecting the Triumph of Clintonism.”

The article, the first I ever published on the Web, was removed from NewsMax’s main page by Chris Ruddy’s editors after only one day, even though Ruddy had paid me handsomely for it, and even though most NewsMax articles stayed on the main page for two or three days. Fortunately, it was picked up at Free Republic, where Rush Limbaugh found it and read it aloud on the air the next day. A friend called me excitedly with the news and I turned on my radio and got to hear Rush Limbaugh reading an extended section of my article, which was quite a thrill. I thanked him in an e-mail and he wrote back to me, the only one-on-one exchange with him I’ve ever had.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 31, 2005 12:31 AM | Send

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