A compliment, and a warning

I had recommended to an Indian citizen living in the West, whose lucid e-mails about Islam I have been posting occasionally at VFR, my article from August 2004, “The Centrality of Jihad in Islam.” He wrote back the below note which is both complimentary—about my articles—and chilling—about what would happen to people who wrote or published such articles in a country with a significant Muslim population. Let us never forget that with every increase in the Muslim presence in a non-Muslim country, the ability of that country’s citizens to speak frankly about Islam is materially diminished. Does President Bush realize this little problem? Does his twin brain, Condoleezza Rice, realize it? Hell, does anyone who matters in this country realize it?

And if any of them did realize it, would they care?

Here’s the note from my correspondent:

Thanks for the article.

I admire your writings very much. I have rarely seen anyone write with such eloquence and candour about Islam. At least there are a few honourable men who are willing to speak the truth.

The fact is though, if Americans (and Europeans) wake up within time, they can put an end to this madness and stop further ingress. And as you correctly note, this is a reversible process. Look at Denmark. Its a classic example of what can be done if the political will is mustered within time.

Such candour as shown in your numerous superb articles on Islam would be impossible in India. The problem in India is that there is a physical menace in the form of a population of 150 million Muslims. An article such as the one you wrote would cause a riot or two. No major newspaper or website (associated with the so-called “Mainstream” or “respectable press”) would dare print it for fear of their offices being bombed or being stoned to death.

But I guess French, Belgian and Italian “hate speech” laws already accomplish the death of free speech by the tyranny of law enforcement without even a single riot from Muslims. I don’t know where I’d rank that in the history of collective insanity but it would have to be right up there with the best of them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 28, 2005 06:10 PM | Send

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