A quasi-treasonous attorney general for a quasi-treasonous president

President Bush’s attached-to-his-hip Secretary of State, his twin brain, Condoleezza Rice, mirrors him perfectly on global democratization as the solution to terrorism, on the readiness of all Moslems to be democrats, and on the need to strike an arrogant moral pose against our own country by sucking up, dhimmi-like, to our Moslem enemies while indicting us for our cultural condescension and racism. Meanwhile, Bush’s loyal Mexican-American staff member turned Attorney General, his twin brain number two, Alberto Gonzales, whose entire career has been as Bush’s creature, mirrors the president perfectly in his metaphysical indifference to defending our borders from Mexico, a nation that is openly hostile to us. Writing at AmericanPatrol.com, Mark Andrew Dwyer shows how Gonzales choked when asked by a radio host about illegal immigration, demonstrating that he doesn’t have a single cell in his brain or heart that cares about protecting our borders and our laws.

Dwyer then captures Gonzales in this revealing quote:

“[T]he U.S. welcomes [foreign-born] people with open hands but we need to know who is coming.”

Dwyer continues:

How about actually deciding who is allowed to come to the U.S. and who is not, and how many are we willing to let into our country? How about sorting the talented ones from those with no skills but large families that are likely to become a burden for the Americans who pay their fair share of taxes? How about screening them for criminal history, diseases, socialist revolutionary sympathies, and contempt of America and the values she stands for? How about separating settlers and invaders from actual immigrants that want to become responsible American citizens and not to “extend [Mexico] beyond the territory enclosed by its borders?

Apparently, Mr. Gonzales would be happy leaving the decision of what kind of immigrants do we get in the U.S. to the immigrants themselves, as long as “we know who’s coming.” No wonder we are getting such a miserable oversupply of gangsters, drug traffickers, militant Mexican nationalists, high school dropouts, volume baby makers, and other misfits and rebellious lawbreakers with the current wave of “migration.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 23, 2005 06:55 AM | Send

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