As the terrorism increases, so does the Bushites’ flight from reality

Scores of people are being blown to bits every day by suicide bombers operating at will inside Iraq, but, according to Ralph Peters

There’s no strategic plan behind the slaughter…. The terror attacks are no longer about changing Iraq. They’re about punishment…. [Zarqawi is] embittered and on the run, … realizes that the tide has turned decisively against him…. Zarqawi isn’t hopeful. He’s outraged. And humiliated. Now he’s out to make Iraqis pay for choosing freedom and peace over brutalized religion and ethnic fascism…. The terrorists feel betrayed…. So they kill. Poor laborers gathered to beg for part-time work. Women and children…. Such attacks won’t win Iraqi hearts and minds. They’re not intended to. Allah’s self-appointed executioners are simply plunging deeper into their pagan bloodcult.

Can you grasp the degree of escapism in Peters’s remarks? The insurgents are wreaking hell on earth, on a continuing and increasing basis, yet Peters pretends that it doesn’t matter, because the insuragents are only “punishing” people, because they’re only striking back in anger and frustration, because they “have no strategy.” But of course they have a strategy: to go on committing staggering acts of terrorism in the name of Allah and so destroy the will of the Iraqi people to build a democratic government, leading to the government’s collapse. And Peters doesn’t understand any of this? Peters was once a captain in the U.S. Army. Now he’s a captain in the George W. Bush Kool-Aid Drinkers Brigade.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 13, 2005 04:11 PM | Send

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