Army recruitment dropping, Bush seeks women and foreigners

Carl Simpson writes:

I think your latest correspondent has given a very good summary of what is taking place there. Iraq is an artificial, multicultural state that was held together by force. First by the British in the years after WWI.

The Brits basically groomed the Sunnis to be the ruling class there and installed a Sunni monarch. The Baathists who overthrew the monarchy were predominantly Sunnis—though more or less secular—and are perhaps best described as Arab national socialists.

The Sunni Arabs are never going to accept minority status in an Iraq dominated by Shiites and Kurds. The insurgency is made up of an alliance of Iraqi Sunni Arabs, Baathists, and jihadis of various nationalities whose goal is the destruction of any polity the US establishes in Iraq.

The new Iraqi government would fall like a house of cards if we withdraw our forces. Partition presents its own set of problems, of course. One possibility would be to cede the Sunni region to Syria—a state controlled by Sunni Baathists—and leave the remainder as a joint Shiite and Kurdish federation.

Our military enlistment is indeed falling off, and various Clinton-appointed feminists in the pentagon are busily angling to put women in combat directly (they are already in combat support units now, which is why approximately 30 have been killed in action thus far)—with no objections from the great conservative in the white house. Other neocon/Bushite schemes to increase the pool of cannon fodder include opening our military to unlimited foreign recruitment coupled with a fast track to citizenship—an idea trumpeted by the Jacobin Max Boot, and bringing back the draft. Leave it to Boot to suggest the creation of a Praetorian Guard for the Messiah from West Texas. Ugh!

LA to CS:

“…an idea trumpeted by the Jacobin Max Boot…”

You mean Jack Boot?

CS to LA:

LOL! That’s a perfect term for him!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 12, 2005 10:56 PM | Send

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