Horowitz: the left is more powerful than ever before

Jacob Heilbrunn continues to dismiss the importance of the contemporary American left, seeing it as a spent force. Coming from the opposite side, David Horowitz continues his argument that the left in America is more powerful. virulent, and dangerous than ever.

As I said the other day, I find Horowitz’s account of the motivations and agenda of the left to be compelling. However, regarding his statements about the extent of leftist power and influence, while I regard Horowitz as closer to the truth than Heilbrunn, I don’t yet have a definite opinion on the subject. Part of the reason for this is that I’m just not that interested in the radical and anti-American left. They strike me as so hate-filled and so crazy—think Howard Dean—that I assume that most people will take them the same way as I do and dismiss them. Not that I think it doesn’t matter. I’ve said over and over that if half the political body of the nation is nuts, we are in very serious trouble. But I still see it as a form of insanity rather than as serious political movement. I admit, however, that I could be entirely wrong about that.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 11, 2005 01:15 AM | Send

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