Sharansky resigns from cabinet

The neocons’ heads must be spinning! For years they were critics, or, at most, very reluctant supporters, of the Oslo “peace process.” The ur-neocon himself, Pope Norman Podhoretz I, called for the abrogation of the Oslo Accords in 1996 (I agreed with him). But when George W. Bush, the messiah from West Texas, after having earlier said he would not deal again with the Palestinians until they had utterly renounced terrorism and uprooted their terror networks, turned around 180 degrees and, notwithstanding the fact that the Palestinians had not renounced terrorism, decided to support the “road map” toward Palestinian “democracy” and “peace,” a move that included Ariel Sharon’s pushing for a unilateral withdrawal of Israel from Gaza, which represented a 180 degree reversal of Sharon’s earlier position against such a withdrawal, then Pope Norman and his followers, reversing their own previous anti-Oslo position by 180 degrees, followed the messiah from West Texas, apparently in the belief that Arab “democratization” trumps Israeli security, and also because, as Pope Norman put it in one of his bi-monthly, 300,000-word encyclicals in Commentary, he “trusts” the messiah from West Texas. And what is happening now? Natan Sharansky, author of The Case for Democracy and chief guru to the messiah from West Texas, has turned against the Gaza withdrawal and is resigning his post in Sharon’s cabinet.

So what will Pope Norman and his neocons do now? Go through yet another 180 degree reversal? Or stay the course, and denounce Sharansky, the guru of their messiah, as an apostate?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 02, 2005 11:57 AM | Send

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