Will rising gasoline prices mean the end of white flight?

I shared my exchange with the right-wing tough guy with a small e-mail group, and the following resulted. The final comment is made by a knowledgeable leftist who participates in the group. (He maintains peace with the rest of the group by only discussing facts, not ideology.)


Nonetheless, the guy has a grasp of brute political physics that our present regime and most of our intellectual class don’t. A man, or a society of men, is either willing and able to defend itself against physical threats to its existence or it ceases to exist.

Personally, I think liberalism will either kill the host or be destroyed, and in 100 years will be known only to graduate students in comparative politics.


About ten years ago, the Sunday New York Times had a photo of a young couple living in the woods somewhere in the Northwest, white racialist survivalist types, they looked like barbarians, and I thought, it may come to this, it may be that the white race will only survive in this form.


I doubt it. Rather, it will be like today’s South Africa: heavily guarded enclaves of whites. But I still have hope that whites will wake up and there will be a white reaction in America.


To a mild extent, you already have this. You have the suburbs and edge cities and gated communities. But—tying in another thread here—it’s all based on cheap gas.

A few of my guys are starting to think this one through. We didn’t win the race conflict in the 1960s, we avoided it by throwing cheap gas at the problem. Anybody who doesn’t want to live around non-whites doesn’t have to. The trade-off is he’ll spend half his life in his car, but he can do it. What happens when gas gets so expensive a 75 mile daily commute isn’t affordable anymore? All these angry white guys are going to move back to the cities, not because they want to but because they have to.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 29, 2005 05:18 PM | Send

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