BNP’s mistake of making anti-white discrimination its rallying cry

An article, posted at the British National Party website, concerns a BNP member and candidate for the Bradford Council who was fired from his job as a bus driver of disabled children. The reason the bus company gave for sacking him was that if knowledge of his political affiliation became known, terrorist groups might attack the bus. The article argues that, since the BNP restricts membership to indigeneous white people of Britain, any discrimination against a person for his BNP membership is ipso facto racial discrimination against whites.

There is something off-base, even a little pathetic, about this. On one hand, the BNP takes the bold, highly controversial step of formally restricting its membership to whites. On the other hand, it says its reason for doing this is to be able to run to the government and claim anti-white racial discrimination in the event that a BNP member is fired from his job. This is tantamount to saying—as blacks and other minority groups have been saying on their own behalf for decades—that any opposition to a white organization, or any failure to do what a white organization demands, is “anti-white racism.” It is the reduction of citizenship, citizenship rights, and truth itself to racial membership.

Speaking of America (though the same applies to Britain), I support the idea of European American groups standing up for whites when they’re attacked or discriminated against. That is proper and needed. But anti-discrimination cannot be the main thing. White Americans are not a victimized minority seeking to be protected from discrimination. We are the historic majority group and we want to possess and lead our country again.

This does not mean, as liberals and neoconservatives will scream, the end of individual equality under the law, but its restoration. If whites continue to be dispossessed in this country, the multicultural, group-rights regime will continue to expand its grip. Conversely, since the white majority is the only group in America that really believes in individual equality under the law, the only way to restore such equality is by restoring the white cultural dominance that existed up to the 1960s. As strange as the notion sounds to contemporary ears, if you really believe in the equality of persons under the law, then you should support, not the continued browning of America, but the preservation and strengthening of America’s historic white majority, their culture, and their identity.

The neoconservatives say that race doesn’t matter, since America is an idea. They’ve persisted in saying this, even while celebrating the mass entry into America of peoples who hold to very different ideas, and while ignoring the fact that America’s elites, including President Bush and the Supreme Court, don’t believe in the idea either. Then, when the idea got officially junked, in the Grutter decision, the neocons quickly turned away and forgot about the idea, the very idea they had spent decades lauding. Clearly mere verbal invocations of the idea do not suffice to preserve it. There must exist an actual people that believes in it, that feels it in their bones. That people is the historic, European-American majority of this country. If we want to preserve the idea, we’ve got to preserve that majority and restore its culture.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 29, 2005 12:31 AM | Send

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