The dhimmi leaders of North America

While the Prime Minister of Canada puts a rag on his head and gets down on his knees and sticks his rear end up in the air in honor of a Sikh festival in Canada (see below), the President of the United States welcomes to his ranch and walks hand in hand with the ruler of Saudi Arabia, whose government is actively spreading jihadist, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish propaganda in Moslem mosques and schools throughout America.

Bush and Fahd.jpg

Apart from the jihad campaign which Saudi Arabia is systematically waging against this country, and which Bush is systematically ignoring, is it also necessary to point out that Saudi Arabia is one of the most authoritarian regimes on earth, opposed to everything that Bush says he stands for, opposed to everything that young Americans are dying for in Iraq? How can any decent American go on supporting this president, who takes the most arrogant, sweeping, moralistic positions of any president in history, and then turns around and trashes them before our eyes?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 27, 2005 10:02 AM | Send

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