Benedict and the clash of civilizations

The new pope, Benedict XVI, is distinctly more aware of the challenge posed to Christendom by Islam than was his predecessor, and more aware of the need to revive Christianity if Europe is to survive civilizationally, writes Robert Spencer at FrontPage Magazine. For example, the former Cardinal Ratzinger has opposed the admission of Turkey into the EU on spiritual and civilizational grounds. Unfortunately, as Eugene Girin pointed out in his capsule profiles of the pababile for VFR, Ratzinger has said nothing about the immigration issue. Also, as was said last night on Nightline, the new pope has warned that we must avoid a conflict of civilizations. But how can Europe re-Christianize itself and fend off an aggressively expanding Islam without there being, to at least some degree, a civilizational struggle? Benedict seems to think that by rediscovering and recommitting itself to Christian truth, Europe will find itself again and cease surrendering to Islam, without the necessity of an explicit clash.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 20, 2005 06:32 AM | Send

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