The benign and humane pope who opened Europe to, uh, barbaric and nihilistic jihadists

Charles Krauthammer writes

Under the benign and deeply humane vision of this pope, the power of faith led to the liberation of half a continent. Under the barbaric and nihilistic vision of Islam’s jihadists, the power of faith has produced terror and chaos.

Krauthammer doesn’t get it. It was this pope with his “benign and deeply humane vision” who, by his endless ecumenism and reaching out to Moslems, by his approval of Islam, by his kissing of the Koran, and by his incessant demands that Western countries give an unqualified welcome to all the needy of the earth, helped open the European continent to the “barbaric and nihilistic vision of Islam’s jihadists.”

The disconnect in Krauthammer’s mind regarding the late Pope and the Moslems is the same disconnect he and his fellow neoconservatives chronically display with regard to Bush and the war on terror. The neocons keep talking about what a fantastic, historic leader Bush is for fighting radical Moslems (which he does by letting our soldiers get their lives and limbs blown away as they drive back and forth on Iraqi highways), even as they ignore Bush’s Chamberlain-like appeasement of radical Moslems (as seen, e.g., in his permitting Saudi Arabia to spread virulent anti-American jihadist propaganda in U.S. schools and mosques). In the neocons’ mind, if you’re opposing jihadism rhetorically or in another country, then it’s ok to let them take over your country. Only universalistic moral posturing and foreign military adventures matter, not the actual fate of Europe and America.

Will the neocons ever get it? Or is it that they do get it, but just don’t care? Meaning that at the core of their souls, they are incapable of loving and defending Christian civilization. But if that’s the case, they are no worse than John Paul II, are they?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 04, 2005 01:22 PM | Send

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