What it means

A reader sums it up:

No more emails to Gov. Bush. Some thoughts: He failed to be the hero God called him to be. What a lost opportunity to start single-handedly to restore a great nation to its spiritual heritage. Gov. Bush’s cowardice means BIG problems for the USA, as the country falls into the final stage of Nihilism in its rebellion against God.

We chose slavery over freedom with Elian and now with Terri, death over life. We are no longer a “shining city”, but a black hole for what used to be called Americanism (or even basic humanity, for that matter). Warning to other nations: stay away from us——we may suck you in.

Terri Schiavo will be rewarded greatly for her sacrifice. She gave a nation an opportunity to seek redemption, and she paid for it with her life in great suffering. A true unsung patriot.

Hurricanes in Florida did not cause people to turn to God. Instead, they turned to government and insurance companies. It’s not the same.

The Republican Party is worse than useless; they profess life and practice death. They’re obviously a part of the problem, regardless of rhetoric. “If salt has lost its savor…”

Brace yourself. Read the Book of Revelation. (Gov. Bush should read the Easter story of Pontius Pilate.) And God bless you, Terri.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 28, 2005 12:12 AM | Send

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