Another plea to Gov. Bush

I’ve written again to the governor of Florida:

Dear Governor Bush,

I urge you once again: Exercise your police powers to order Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube re-inserted. A stroke of the pen by you can save her life and save the country from committing this monstrous injustice. On the basis of uncertain evidence, the courts are TAKING A PERSON’S LIFE. The situation REQUIRES you to take unusual steps, outside the normal course of things. This is what true leadership is. If you accede to the courts’ decisions, you are acceding to judicial murder.

There is no middle path for you here, Governor. You must choose one path or the other. If you take action to save Terri’s life, you will be a hero. But if you let these benighted courts finish the job of killing her, you will be a passive accessory to that killing.

Lawrence Auster

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 26, 2005 01:13 PM | Send

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