The total lie in Bush’s renewal of the “peace process”

Must reading from Barbara Lerner on the real situation in Israel. She brings home the total fraud of Bush’s present stance, in which he claims that the Palestinians have fulfilled the conditions precedent for moving forward with the “road map.” Bush had stated as an absolute condition for U.S. support for a Palestinian state that they must give up terror, disband their terror infrastructure, and stop incitement to hatred and murder. They have done none of those things, yet Bush and his sidekick Rice proceed as though they had. How can anyone call Bush an honest man after this?

Another of Lerner’s points is that in the name of advancing “democracy,” Bush and Sharon are undercutting the only actual democratic society in the Mideast, pushing the Gaza pullout that a majority of Israelis oppose, and that Sharon himself opposed when he was elected. Sharon is thus uncannily going the same route as Rabin, another supposed tough old bird who was elected on a platform of not negotiating with the Palestinians, then proceeded to do so, then pushed through the Oslo Accords which only passed because the Arabs in the Knesset—who are open enemies of the State of Israel— voted for it, and then, to celebrate his victory, went around in public singing leftist peace songs.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2005 11:31 AM | Send

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