Terrorists getting really, really desperate

Did I tell you the terrorists in Iraq are getting desperate? Man, are they freaked out. Ever since the election, which was a humongous defeat for them, they haven’t stopped killing people. They killed 25 people one day, then they blew up 50 people the next day, then 130 people a few days after that. They’re falling apart! And today they killed a judge who was on the tribunal presiding in Saddam Hussein’s trial, shooting him down outside his home along with his son, a lawyer for the tribunal. See? The terrorists are getting more and more desperate! And depraved, too. They’re losers. And every time they kill more Iraqis, they just become more isolated from the Iraqi people. This proves how successful our democratization of Iraq has been. After all, if it weren’t going so well, would the terrorists be so desperate?

Oh, by the way, just so I can know the difference, can someone tell me what the terrorists would be doing if they weren’t so desperate? I mean, would they be killing more people, or fewer? What do non-desperate terrorists do, as distinct from desperate ones?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 01, 2005 08:42 PM | Send

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