The biggest terrorist slaughter yet in Iraq

Freedom with its marvelous exhilaration keeps advancing in Iraq—the freedom of terrorists to kill and maim, their exhilaration at the unobstructed liberty we’ve given them to carry out their murderous designs. Over a hundred people were killed and several hundreds more wounded and maimed by a single car bomb south of Baghdad. The explosion targeted people applying for government jobs. But the Iraqis, as far as one can tell from reading the news, don’t seem to mind the continuing carnage, any more than the American soldiers in Iraq seem to mind the fact that they keep getting picked off, killed, and dismembered, not by enemy soldiers in combat aimed at defeating that enemy, but by roadside bombs and rocket-propelled grenades that kill the GIs as they drive or walk along Iraq’s roads and highways, passive targets, easy pickings. They’re dying for “freedom,” you see. Everyone is Iraq is an Eloi now, except for the terrorists.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 28, 2005 09:10 AM | Send

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