The Bush administration: globalist Jacobins

Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of State, supports global revolution for democratic change, warmly endorses the UN, and gives her unconditioned support to the European Union and its agenda for the ever-increasing integration of Europe. Remember, this is the administration that says it wants to destroy tyranny everywhere and bring “democracy” and “freedom” to the whole world. Yet it approves the steady crushing of Western democracy and freedom by the unaccountable, bureaucratic super-state of the EU, where freedom of speech on the most fundamental issues facing society is not allowed. I said all through 2004 that if Bush were re-elected he would continue to move America to the left and to transform the Republican party into a party of the left. And that is what is happening, to an even greater degree than I had expected. Even the editor of the flagship magazine of American “conservatism” is gushing like a groupie over Rice.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 11, 2005 05:07 PM | Send

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