The never-ending lie of the “peace process”

The evil and insanity of the Bush/Rice/Sharon renewal of the “peace process” are underscored by the fact that Palestinian television still continues its murderous incitements against Jews. A recent report by Natan Sharansky shows how the incitements go through three phases. The first is the message that Jews are evil; the second is the message that Jews pose a threat to Palestinians and all Arabs; the third is the message that Jews control all media and are behind all historical and even natural calamities, combined with calls to kill all Jews.

Bush laid it down in June 2002 and numerous times since then that he would not deal with the Palestinians until they had stopped, among other things, their incitements to hatred and murder. They have not done so, yet Bush is now pushing hard for a Palestinian state. And this is the president who is constantly congratulated for meaning what he says. Far more destructive to our sense of reality than a lie, is the message that an outrageous liar is a great truth teller.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 09, 2005 07:51 PM | Send

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