Soldiers, or sheep?

And about those 12 Iraqi National Guardsmen taken out of a bus and killed the other day, didn’t they have weapons with which to defend themselves? What is going on here? They’re traveling in a bus, they’re in this country where terrorist mass murders are going on every day, and they had no weapons? So they just meekly got off the bus when ordered by the terrorists and let themselves be killed? They didn’t even attempt to rush their killers—not even a little Flight 93-type action? Are we training them to be soldiers and fighters, or Eloi? Well, no surprise there, I guess, since we’ve treated our own men there as Eloi, sending them riding up and down Iraq’s highways, passive targets getting blown up by RPGs and roadside bombs.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 06, 2005 02:25 AM | Send

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