Does our freedom depend on Moslems’ freedom?

The president said in his news conference on January 26, 2005:

Because our own freedom is enhanced by the expansion of freedom in other nations, I set out the long-term goal of ending tyranny in our world.

The truth is the exact opposite of what Bush has said. The more free our enemies become, the less free we become. Perhaps three million Mideastern Moslems now reside in the United States, all of whom were enabled to come here as immigrants or visitors because of our belief that the peoples of all countries should be equally free to do so. Because they are here, our nation’s capital had to be turned into a vast armed camp during the president’s recent inauguration. Every day in our airports, in order to avoid singling out Moslems, hundreds of thousands of us are subjected to lengthy security measures and the demoralizing ritual of having our persons examined prior to getting on a plane, a ritual we all accept like sheep, even as we boast of waging a war on Moslem terrorism. At the same time, our entire society must promote a false image of a tolerant and peaceful Islam, because speaking the terrible truth about Islamic beliefs and history would be seen as intolerant toward Moslems. All this security, all this avoidance of singling out Moslems, all this politically correct suppression of truth, is made necessary by one thing and one thing only: the large-scale presence of Mideastern Moslems in this country and elsewhere in the West. Prior to 1965 there were virtually no Mideastern Moslems in the U.S., and we had no fear of Moslem terrorism, and we had no anti-terrorism security measures, and we were free to talk about Islam and to regard Moslems as the aliens they are. Then we began letting them in, in the name of the principle that all peoples everywhere, including the followers of the religion of jihad, should be equally free. The expansion of their freedom has directly resulted in the substantial loss of our freedom.

So Bush is wrong. If we want to be free, we must not free Moslems, but restrict them, chiefly by containing them in their own part of the world where they can’t wage jihad on the rest of us. If we want to be free in our house, we must keep the Moslems in their house.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 27, 2005 08:17 PM | Send

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