Bush’s new language

A reader writes from Britain:

There has been a correspondence in The Times (London) on which would be the best foreign language to learn. Some have suggested Chinese, others Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, etc.

Yesterday a correspondent proposed American—“then we would be able to understand American foreign policy.”

I replied:

How true! Bush has created a new language that doesn’t connect with any previous human history or political experience, let alone with basic logic.

Also, this inaugural is apparently much more his own work than any previous speech of his. He began working on it the day after his re-election, signaling that this would be the most considered expression of his world view. And in addition to the bad ideas, it was badly written, unlike his other speeches. His main speechwriter, Michael Gerson, is a very graceful, literary writer, but those qualities were not to be seen in this leaden production, which further suggests that the speech is much more Bush’s own work than ever before.

It’s a further sign that the messiah from west Texas has taken off into his own empyrean. He’s beyond his advisors, beyond any normal checks on presidential silliness.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 27, 2005 02:47 PM | Send

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