The bigger he talks, the more phony he is

Which is more offensive, Bush’s sweeping messianic rhetoric about advancing freedom against tyranny everywhere—or the fact that he doesn’t mean a word of it? We’re bogged down in a hopeless situation in Iraq due to Bush’s demonstrated lack of seriousness about defeating the tyrannical enemy there, his desire to wage a nice, liberal war, and his insistence on setting up a “democracy” in that country before the enemy had been defeated. Meanwhile, he continues to embrace one of the most tyrannical and dangerous regimes on earth, the Saudis, who are the principal source of the murderous Wahhabi ideology.

Never has there been such a huge gap between rhetoric and reality. Bush’s very sincerity, on which everyone comments, is really just a part of a much larger phoniness.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 23, 2005 11:15 AM | Send

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