America’s left versus America’s “right”

Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice, the race-preferences-supporting heroine of American “conservatives,” went before the Senate Foreign Relations committee yesterday, and the New York Post gave this account:

Later, in another run in with [Sen. Barbara] Boxer, Rice said the Asian tsunami offered a “wonderful opportunity” for the United States to reach out to countries in the Muslim world and improve America’s poor image in so much of the Middle East.

Boxer responded that Rice was being insensitive to the death and destruction caused by the tidal wave by looking for diplomatic gains with so many people killed.

So, America’s “right” believes that Moslems, who have continued viewing us as their enemy despite a long list of rather large-scale actions we’ve taken on behalf of various Moslem countries, will suddenly turn around and start to like us if we help Moslem victims of the tsunami. Which makes the “right” sound pretty much like terminally naive liberals, doesn’t it? Meanwhile, America’s left believes that America is guilty toward Moslems no matter what it does. Which makes the left sound pretty much like America-hating Moslems, doesn’t it?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 19, 2005 11:29 AM | Send

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