Insurgency was predicted before war was over

Writing in the Washington Post in the first week of April, 2003, retired Marine Corp colonel Gary Anderson predicted the Iraqi terror insurgency that eventually developed:

The second phase would be a protracted guerrilla war against the “occupation,” which the American-British coalition bills as liberation. It is now obvious that the Baath Party has seeded the urban and semi-urban population centers of the country with cadres designed to lead such a guerrilla movement; this is not a last-minute act of desperation or an afterthought. Americans have overrun facilities that have been in place for some time. The war would be waged as an attritional struggle against the occupying forces and any Iraqi interim government. Attempts at free elections would be subverted and portrayed as a sham. The strategic objective of this phase would be to have the Americans and British tire of the effort and turn it over to the United Nations.

Phase III would then be to amass enough semi-conventional power to overwhelm the U.N. and interim government mechanisms.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 23, 2004 01:49 AM | Send

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