Those ridiculous analogies to World War II

Apologists for Bush’s Iraq policy constantly repeat statements such as, “It took us three years to defeat Nazi Germany,” and “The battle of the Bulge was a setback but we still won,” and “We occupied Germany and Japan for many years before they had self-government again.” These analogies are entirely off-base because we are not attempting at present either to defeat an army in the field, nor to return self-government to a defeated and now-peaceful country. All we are trying to do is hold an election, an event which by itself does not bring Iraq one inch closer to self-government. The reason for this is simple. As long as the insurgency is active, any Iraqi government will still be a client state, literally depending for its day to day survival on the presence of the American military.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 18, 2004 07:38 AM | Send

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