The left is down, but will rise again

The momentary defeat and demoralization of the American left that we are witnessing since the election is nothing new. It is a recurrent event, part of the basic script of modernity: the left charges forward, full of destructive and evil impulses and seemingly unstoppable, but then, miraculously, it is stopped and dramatically defeated and left lying in pieces on the ground, but then, like the liquid-metal man in Terminator 2, it magically reconstitutes itself and charges forward once again on its mission of hell. And this same pattern keeps happening over and over again until the left is finally and truly destroyed. But when that will happen we can’t know. It might only happen with the destruction of the civilization that gave birth to the left in the first place.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 06, 2004 10:31 PM | Send

I’ve always thought that Mr. Auster’s wonderful depiction of the left as the liquid-metal assasin from “Terminator II” is near-perfect. Remember how we felt a decade ago? Remember the high hopes for restoration, for repealing stupid treaties and laws? Conservatives were triumphant then - even more than now.

But the left supernaturally managed to congeal together again, and even thwarted the effort to bring their sociopathic boy wonder to justice. Their driving force comes from beyond this mortal coil. It’s from a place of eternal darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Posted by: Carl on November 6, 2004 10:50 PM


More specifically, pace Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, the Left was born through the chest of civilzation—like the creature in Aliens—during the French Revolution: class envy, ethnic hatred, and secularism.

Also, the metric system. But we haven’t adopted that yet.

Posted by: Brent Anderson on November 7, 2004 8:38 AM
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