The more Dems talk of changing, the more they’re the same

Democratic pollster Douglas Schoen, at a panel on C-SPAN, said in strong terms that the election could mean permanent minority or regional status for the Democrats. What are the Dems to do about this disaster? Schoen spoke about the need for Democrats to talk more about values, and to support a more aggressive foreign policy, but it sounded like the usual attempts to co-opt Republican slogans. Ditto the others on the panel. “Politics is symbolism,” one of them commented. Melinda Henneger of Newsweek said that we (the liberal media and the Democratic party being “we”) do have moral values, but we don’t talk about them enough. For example, she said, the environment is a moral value.

In another unintentionally revealing bit, Henneger gave her thoughts about Teresa Kerry whom she had covered during the campaign. After speaking of what an impressive and admirable woman Teresa is, with her activist work in many worthy causes, she said that the attacks on Teresa prove that “America hates women.”

Are you getting a picture of a Democratic party/mainstream liberal media that Does Not Get It?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 05, 2004 05:00 PM | Send

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