It’s all over but the lawyers

The Kerry campaign may hold out for the counting of absentee and provisional ballots in Ohio. They may launch their legions of lawyers, and sow their seeds of suspicion and paranoia, and they may delay a final determination of the election for days or even weeks—remember Al Gorleone’s shark-like attack on the laws and constitution. Nevertheless, when we look at the figures for Ohio, it’s hard to see how Kerry can win the election at this point. As a Republican strategist said: “Kerry can’t make up for his margin of defeat.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 03, 2004 02:38 AM | Send

Al Gorleone. LOL! Maybe we can say that Al is Don’s retarded Tennessee relative!

Posted by: Carl on November 3, 2004 3:10 AM

“Al Goreleones shark-like attack”
HA HA. Mr. Auster you are a talented comedy writer as well!

It adds to my, what can I say, JOY, at the backhand the Demoncrats took by the people.

An added bonus, that cretin Tom Daschle has been shown the door in South Dakota.

I was wrong. perhaps there is some logic left in the United States afterall.

Posted by: andrew2 on November 3, 2004 4:51 AM

I don’t think I coined “Al Goreleone.” Others used that during the post-election crisis in 2000 and I used it too at some point. But here is a note I wrote in November 2000 toward an article (never completed) on Gore as an example of Plato’s tyrannical type of man, that fills out the idea of Al Goreleone:

“And we see this in the two photos of Gore in the NY Post on Saturday November 25. In one photo, he looks like a 13 year old, the Chosen Son, with the innocence of boyish baby fat still on him but also a look of spoiled entitlement. In the other photo, taken a moment later, he has the masked cruel look of the tyrant. In the first photo, he is Michael Corleone in the opening scenes of The Godfather, the soft and innocent-looking youngest brother, not a part of the family business. In the second photo, he has become Michael Corleone after he has murdered his father’s enemies and become hardened to every evil act, his scarred face reflecting the scars within.

“At end of article, then say, the Tyrannical man is not just a single individual, but a state of a whole society, when the “tyrannical type” becomes the predominant type. Once again, Plato is not speaking of a bunch of little dictators, but rather that people no longer allow any restraints on their passions. In such a society, the man who has the strongest passions, who is most unrestrained, will become the natural leader. Instead of a society of people ordered toward the good, and therefore having as their leader a man who is exemplary in following the good, it is a society in which everyone has handed himself over to appetite, and so the person with the strongest and most unconstrained appetites is the natural leader.”

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 3, 2004 8:07 AM

Bush’s lead in Ohio (~135K) is larger than Kerry’s in Pennsylvania (~120K). Thus, his right to contest Ohio is no more legitimate than Bush’s right to contest PA. His failure to concede, during wartime, and with a 3.5M deficit in the national popular vote is a manifestation of narcissistic delusion.

The Dems must disabuse themselves of the notion that national elections are decided like horseshoes.

Posted by: Scott in PA on November 3, 2004 8:24 AM
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