Who is Lurch?

Having only a vague idea of what was meant by the constant references to Kerry as “Lurch” (I had never watched “The Addams Family”), I resorted to Google and found the Lurch Files, a web site with all the information you could have wanted on the tv show. It provided this description of Lurch, which also sounds as though it could have been written about the politician named after him:

Lurch is the faithful man servant of the Addams Family. While it is never mentioned whether he is an Addams by birth (or even if he were “born” at all) there is no doubt that he is an Addams at heart. In truth, without the faithful Butler, the mansion would probably be a cheerful place to live (eegads.. perish THAT thought!!)

Lurch is a tall, brutish—looking fellow. His size and demeanor has a tendency to intimidate visitors to the mansion. The rare grimace or even rarer smile is about the most facial expression he seems to be able to achieve.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 22, 2004 12:55 AM | Send

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