Another popular-electoral split?

Interestingly, the Gallup Poll puts Kerry up by one point among likely voters, but shows Bush up by 312 to 207 in electoral votes. The Rasmussen Report still has Bush up by 240 to 194 in electoral votes. The difference is explained, of course, by how the different polling organizations are calling individual states. For example, Rasmussen has Iowa in the toss-up column, while Gallup has it in the Bush column.

Hugh Hewitt, who always acts as if he has the inside gen on everything, says that Kerry and Edwards are only campaigning in the blue states, meaning they’re just trying to hold on to their base, while Bush is campaigning in the battleground states.

Conclusion: we could end up with another Bush victory in which he has fewer popular votes than his opponent.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 13, 2004 08:05 PM | Send

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