Diderot: To attack religion is to attack all authority

A letter from Diderot to Princess Dashkoff, written on April 13, 1771, shows how the French philosophes went from traditional society to revolutionary leftism in a single bound, without passing through liberalism or any other intervening, moderating stage:

Chaque siècle a son esprit qui le caractérise. L’esprit du nôtre semble être celui de la liberté. La première attaque contre la superstition a été violente, sans mesure. Un fois que les hommes ont osé d’une manière quelconque donner l’assaut à la barrière de la religion, cette barrière, la plus formidable qui existe comme la plus respectée, il est impossible de s’arrêter. Dès qu’ils ont tourné des regards menaçants contre la majesté du ciel, ils ne manqueront pas, le moment d’après, de les diriger contre la souveraineté de la terre.

Which I loosely translate as follows:
Each century is characterized by its own spirit. The spirit of ours seems to be that of liberty. The first attack against superstition was violent, without restraint. Once men have dared in any manner to launch an assault against the barrier of religion, the most formidible and most respected barrier that exists, it is impossible to stop it. As soon as they have turned their menacing glances against the majesty of heaven, they shall not fail, a moment later, to direct them against the sovereignty of earthly powers as well.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2004 07:08 PM | Send

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