John Roberts—Dan Rather’s Soviet-like heir apparent

Those calling for the sacking of Dan Rather ought to remember that Rather’s probable successor as anchor of the CBS Evening News would be correspondent John Roberts, who on last night’s program did a story on the documents flap that was of Soviet-level dishonesty. Among other egregious lies and misrepresentations in his report, Roberts played a radio interview of Mrs. Bush in which she said, “You know, they probably are altered and they probably are forgeries,” after which Roboerts commented: “However, Laura Bush offered no evidence to back up her claim … ”

Now this is brazen beyond belief. The establishment news media as well as the Web are currently running over with evidence pointing to the conclusion that the documents presented by CBS are forgeries, while CBS itself has declined to broadcast any of that evidence. Yet Roberts, who is himself busy suppressing that evidence, would have his viewers believe that Mrs. Bush is making charges that are not backed up by evidence.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 15, 2004 07:59 AM | Send

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