A clearer understanding of the Islamic threat

Here is the concluding and key paragraph of my article published yesterday at FrontPage Magazine:

This event shows how ineluctably dangerous is the growing Muslim presence in the West. As we see in the French situation, the more Muslims enter and live in a Western society, the more they seek to practice Shari’ah customs and try to make the host society endorse them. Any refusal by the host society to yield to these demands is seen by many Muslims as an “attack on Islam,” a conviction which not only sparks civil protests, as in French Muslims’ plans to have their daughters disobey the headscarf ban, but, given the existence of the global jihadist movement, leads to terrorism, kidnappings, murders, and the sawing-off-of-heads of innocent people for being citizens of an “anti-Islamic” country. The kidnapping of French journalists over the anti-headscarf rule refutes the belief that jihad is only a defensive reaction against Western interference in the Islamic world. It proves that the presence of large Muslim communities in Western countries, in and of itself, spells unending jihad to force those countries to submit to Islam.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 03, 2004 11:24 AM | Send

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