Bush invites international body to inspect U.S. election

Yielding to the importunings of 13 anti-American black Congressmen, the Bush administration has invited an international body, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), to monitor the U.S. presidential elections. As shocking as this development is, it turns out not to be the first time. The OSCE monitored the 2002 elections and the special California gubernatorial election. Indeed, the U.S. is a member of this organization and is politically, though not legally, committed to allow such inspections. Doesn’t that make you feel nice?

In a series of articles I wrote for Newsmax in 2001, I highly praised the Bush administration for standing firmly and virtually alone against all the globalists of all the countries of the world at the UN Conference for The Total Elimination of Small Arms and Light Weapons—and prevailing. The U.S. played a heroic role in that conference that should make any American proud. But Bush’s crab-like moves to the left continue, and now he is surrendering our country to the unbelievable dishonor of having an international body oversee our presidential election.

There is no positive reason left to vote for Bush; the only conceivable reason to vote for him would be a negative one, to keep an unreformed anti-war protester from becoming president in time of war.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 21, 2004 08:00 PM | Send

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