The permanent loss of California

One state where Kerry did not suffer a negative bounce after the disastrous Democratic National Convention is California. Kerry leads Bush in that state by 12 points, according to the Field poll. As I remember, Gore beat Bush by about that margin in 2000. Let us acknowledge two facts: that the now seemingly permanent Democratic electoral advantage in California, once a Republican bastion, is largely the result of massive Hispanic and other immigration, which the GOP celebrates; and that California has a record of setting long-term social trends for the rest of the country. So, hello Karl Rove. Hello Paul Gigot. Hello Linda Chavez. Hello William Bennett. Hello Jack Kemp. Hello all you brilliant Republican and neoconservative strategists who said that embracing more and more Hispanic immigration was the ticket to GOP survival and success. Is anybody home?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 07, 2004 03:06 PM | Send

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