Was an Al Qaeda agent working in the Citicorp building?

Authorities say Al Qaeda’s surveillance of the Prudential building in Newark, New Jersey and the Citigroup (formerly Citicorp) building in New York City was so detailed that the Al Qaeda agent or agents must have been working in the buildings. This dramatizes the fact that the Islamists are operating from within our society—and not just on our streets, as visitors or as illegal aliens or as marginal, recent immigrants, but inside our leading institutions. It follows that the only way we can become truly and permanently safe from the specter of domestic Islamist terrorism is to expel all Islamists from our society, starting with Islamist non-citizens, and then, if the threat persists, proceeding to Islamist naturalized citizens, and then, if the threat persists, proceeding to Islamist native-born Americans. Anything short of what I’ve just laid out is liberal mush that will inevitably turn us into another Israel, that is, into a society in which we will accept periodic terrorist bombings as an unavoidable and routine part of life.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 03, 2004 05:14 PM | Send

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