The media’s systematic lying about news it doesn’t like

The major liberal media continue their career of shameless, in-your-face lies. Here’s the headline of a CNN story about the election campaign:

Poll: No ‘bounce’ for Kerry so far
Bush and Democratic nominee still running neck and neck

But several paragraphs into the story it says:

The registered voters surveyed favored Kerry over Bush 50-47, a slight change from 49-45 found in a similar poll conducted two weeks ago.
The likely voters polled favored Bush 50-47, whereas two weeks earlier they had favored Kerry 49-47.

Among all registered voters, Kerry’s lead actually dropped by one point after the convention, and among likely voters, a far more important demographic, Bush went from being two points behind Kerry to being three points ahead of Kerry. So, it was the Republican candidate who got a bounce, a five point bounce, as a result of the Democratic convention, an unheard of event. Yet instead of reporting this in their headline, CNN merely says that Kerry hasn’t gotten a bounce “so far,” thus leading the reader to believe that a Kerry bounce is still expected. The liberal media now even put their wishful thoughts into their headlines when the facts go against their desires.

The Bush jump in the polls immediately following his opponent’s nomination, combined with CNN’s non-reporting of that remarkable fact in their headline, would be comparable to a man biting a dog, and CNN’s headline saying: “Dog has not bitten man, so far.” If it wasn’t a matter of our civilization going downhill and taking us with it, we could just sit back observing these manifestations of liberals and see it as the most amazing show on earth.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 01, 2004 11:25 PM | Send

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