Ecce Homo

Can’t you just feel the excitement building? Tonight, finally, after twenty years of observing this strong, courageous, respected, decisive, and, most of all, nuanced U.S. senator and Vietnam veteran in action in the U.S. Senate and on the presidential campaign trail, we’re going at long last to see the real John Kerry, in all that same strength that he demonstrated so courageously in Vietnam, as well as his nuanced vision of strong and respected and decisive leadership for a respected, strong, safe, pacifist, warlike, independent, and multilateral America, that same decisive leadership he displayed so strongly in Vietnam for four months 35 years ago. And let us not forget the strength and patriotism and wisdom and remarkable intellectual honesty and curiosity he showed before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971, where—much like Al Sharpton repeating Tawana Brawley’s ludicrous abduction-and-rape charges for which he had no evidence—Kerry presented as fact charges he had heard from other people that the United States armed forces had engaged in daily Hitlerian atrocities in South Vietnam with the knowledge and approval of officers at every level of command.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 29, 2004 07:50 PM | Send

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