Moslems openly plan airline attacks, authorities do nothing

Nothing could make it clearer how empty is all the self-dramatizing talk that “we’ve learned the lessons of 9/11.” The Washington Times reports numerous incidents in which Mideastern men during U.S. airline flights were openly preparing or rehearsing for terrorist attacks. In no instance, as far as one can tell from the story, was anyone arrested, though in the case of the 14 Syrian “musicians,” the story does say they were detained long enough to get their fingerprints and IDs for the terrorist data base. In other incidents, the story doesn’t mention any detention at all. For example, it tells of Mideastern men rushing toward the cockpit and then suddenly stopping, in an apparent effort to flush out air marshals; but it doesn’t say what happened to these men afterward, whether they were arrested and so on.

The true model American of our time, the person who symbolizes our character and fate as a nation, remains that woman in the Agriculture Department who was threatened by Muhammed Atta and did nothing.

And let’s remember that the problem is not just liberalism, but a conservatism that fails to grasp the nature of liberalism or to oppose liberalism in any way that counts. Thus the Washington Times’ editorial on the article is entitled, in typical fashion for the conservative media, “Mineta’s p.c. folly.” But what the self-comforting phrase “PC folly” really means in this case is liberalism without the unprincipled exception, by which I simply mean consistent liberalism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 23, 2004 06:06 AM | Send

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